blog 2 electric boogaloo

Wow wow wow!! Over a month's flown by since I've updated this site, and I STILL haven't sorted out a nice portfolio page...I really need to figure out a nice way to display all my pics that doesn't take 3 years to load. However, I've made a writing page! I've posted TWO short stories that haven't been seen anywhere else. Real exclusive access for these ones.
A happy Valentine's day to everyone! I loveee the look of this holiday, but I hardly ever go all out for it. The hearts, the angels, the corny cards...aaah! I just, well, love it! I remember hating it as a kid but nowadays I enjoy all the mush. Less so the cheap crap they pump out for the Marks & Spencer's aisles, but it's tolerable these days. Didn't have a Valentine this year (but I did have a lovely day! ^o^ I rewatched Electric Dreams and played work at a pizza place...on Roblox...with somebody super nice which was extremely fun! ^_^ Other than that, I've mainly been revising and making a bunch of traditional art. Also! My EPQ essay is finallyyy finished. However, I need to make a presentation (..I have 0% progress on this...) and get it graded before I can post it on here. Mostly to avoid plagarism accusations, to be honest. Sigh...I should really go to bed now... Sleep well! Or, well, have a nice day, depending on which time of day you read this.

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