17/01/2025 - After owning this little domain for...over 3 years now? Huh? I've finally decided to make it a proper website, to celebrate the new (and hopefully improved!) year of 2025. After all, this is the year where the Catholic Church has announced a cute little pilgrim mascot for this Jubliee Year. And actually, I mention that in my EPQ essay that I should be working on instead of doing this...(oops) Right now, the website's a little shoddy, because I couldn't figure out how to get sidebars to work without them looking abseloutely horrendous. Even the font is one step away from Comic Sans! Ugh! This cute notebook texture is just great though, huge thanks to geekchick. on Stack Overflow for it.Tomorrow is going to be an EXCITING day, since I'm doing a jog in the morning with my mum (New Year's goal...get better at running!) and hanging out with someone sweet too! ^__^ Also hopefully tomorrow I can find a font that doesn't look insanely ugly. Sweet dreams!
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